Listen to Young Mothers & Children Affected by HIV
AIDS is the top killer of adolescents in Africa. If the current rate continues, U.N. estimates suggest as many as 740,000 additional adolescents could become HIV positive between 2016 and 2030. Adolescent girls in Sub Saharan Africa are more at risk of HIV infection and early pregnancy than anywhere else in the world. In this region, four of every five new HIV infections among 15- to 19-year-olds occur among adolescent girls; and half of all women experience pregnancy by age 18. Many of these young mothers and their children experience greater inequality, violence, psychological distress, discrimination, poverty, and stigma. Young mothers and their children affected by HIV and AIDS need tailored, holistic support that meets their complex needs.
One of the five priorities the Coalition has identified for fighting HIV and AIDS and mitigating its impact on children is listening to the individuals who are most affected. That is why we have created this video in which you will hear directly from young, HIV affected mothers as to their experience and what they see as effective solutions.
Further Reading: Background Note