Don’t Miss Activities on Children & Adolescents at AIDS 2022!
Don’t miss our Members’ fantastic events on children and adolescents affected by HIV coming up at AIDS 2022! Further details are available in the conference programme.
- Taking Action to Overcome HIV Stigma & Discrimination, pre-conference, the Montreal Plaza Centre-Ville, 777 Blvd Robert-Bourassa, Montreal, Canada/Online see Interfaith Health Platform for times and registration
- 27-28 th July, 14 th International Workshop on HIV and Pediatrics, co-hosts include EGPAF
- Smart Money: Donor commitments to children and adolescents affected by HIV in the COVID era, Satellite hosted by the Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS, Friday 29th July 07.45am EDT Room 518/Channel 10 and broadcast on demand after that
- Protecting and expanding political commitments on rights-based responses to HIV-AIDS in the UN System, Satellite session hosted by Aidsfonds and GNP+, Friday 29 th July, 1-2.30 EDT Room 516/Channel 6
- 8th workshop on children and adolescents with perinatal HIV exposure, co-hosts include PATA, UNICEF, and the Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS, 29 th July 4.30-6pm EDT, Room 524/Channel 9
- In the driver's seat – Redoubling our investments in the leadership and agency of adolescent and young key populations everywhere, co-hosts include UNICEF, 29 th July 4.30-6pm EDT, Room 517c/Channel 5
- No time to lose: Action to diagnose and treat the missing 800,000 children, Satellite hosted by UNICEF, 29 July 18:15 – 19:45 EDT, Room 510/ Channel 8
- Effective COVID-19 responses and pandemic preparedness through HIV community systems: Strategies for civil society and national governments, workshop featuring Frontline AIDS, 30 th July 11am-12.30pm EDT, Room 518/Channel 10.
- Ending HIV stigma: we know what works, we need to do more of it, Satellite hosted by GNP+, ICW, Y+ Global on 31 st July 8-9am EDT, Room 510/Channel8.
- Strengthening Partnerships with Civil Society to Prioritise Resourcing for Children and Adolescents in the HIV and TB Response in the Face of COVID-19, by The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, July 31, at 12:00 – 13:00 EDT, Global village Room/Channel 1
- HIV Prevention & Treatment, Prime session Featuring GNP+, 31 st July 16:30-17:30pm EDT, Room 220 d/e/Channel 1
- Catching up on the third 95 target for children and adolescents living with HIV, Satellite co-hosted by Aidsfonds, July 31, 17:45 – 19:15 ET/, Room 511, and
- Achieving an AIDS-free future: African leaders championing sexuality education and challenging misinformation, Satellite co-hosted by Frontline AIDS, 1 st August, 8-9am Room 524/Channel 9.
- The announcement of the winner of the AIDS 2022 children's research prize, co-sponsored by the Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS, 1 st August at 5.20pm EDT. This is part of a plenary session: Health innovation, Room 220d/e/Channel 1. 4.30-5.30 EDT.
- Building partnerships, communities and innovation – Launch of the new Global Alliance to end AIDS in children, satellite co-hosted by UNICEF, 1 st August 17:45-19:15 EDT, Room 517c/Channel 5
- Global Health, Human Rights and Justice: showcasing good practices and lessons from the field from civil society actors, satellite hosted by Frontline AIDS, 2 nd August 8-9am EDT, Channel 517d/Channel 2.
- Empowering communities: Optimizing development for children and adolescents with perinatal exposure to HIV, workshop, co-hosts include The Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS and PATA, 2 nd August 10.30-11.30 Room 518 / Channel 10.
- Jumping through the hoops: Reaching key adolescent populations through effective community interventions, Symposium featuring Coalition Members Miriam Hasasha, Lucie Cluver and Luann Hatane, 2 nd August 2.15-3.15pm EDT, Room 517d/Channel 2.
The Global Village: The Global Village is being sponsored by ViiV Healthcare Positive Action. Don’t miss the networking zone events of ViiV Healthcare Positive Action and GNP+, including the E.P.I.C. session on 31 st July; the NGO booths of ICW and Y+; and two session by Frontline AIDS – READY Doing Development Differently – meaningful engagement of AYPLHIV; and Turning the Tide: what have we achieved so far in ensuring meaningful youth centered advocacy in SADC?