New evidence points to major funding gaps for children and adolescents affected by HIV including a

  • $231m gap for pediatric testing and treatment 
  • $89m gap for preventing vertical transmission, and 
  • $168m gap for the children of key populations

Improving resourcing for HIV-affected children and adolescents is a vital step towards ending AIDS. This is as much about mobilizing more funding, as it is about improving financial transparency and accountability, and focusing resources on proven interventions for children and adolescents ordinarily left behind.  And this is not just a question for the HIV sector. It is also an imperative for those focused on maternal and child health, health system strengthening, and wider social and economic sectors, ensure that HIV-affected children and adolescents are adequately served.

All kinds of funders have a role to play. Improvements in national government financing are urgently required.  Alongside those by bilateral and multilateral donors, trusts and foundations, the private sector, and NGOs.  And communities have a critical voice in shaping how funds are spent and in resource accountability.

We are operating in a resource-constrained environment. Now, more than ever, it is important to know that money is being allocated wisely. Funders, and the communities they work with, need to know how much is being spent, on what, where, to what effect, and what the gaps are.  Only then can they be sure of value for money, and that policies and commitments are being acted upon.  And where investment opportunities remain.  

“Involve us young mothers and fathers in your financial decisions. Support us to let you know if the money you have committed is reaching us and making a difference.” Miriam Hasasha, Young Mother Ambassador  

Since 2021, the Coalition has been working to improve financial transparency and efficacy for children and adolescents affected by HIV. It established the Global Working Group on Financing for Children and Adolescents Affected by HIV – a group of UN, donor, academic and NGO thought leadership.  In 2022 the Coalition published a report revealing – for the first time – global trends in donor funding for children and adolescents affected by HIV.  And in 2023 we held a high profile discussion of the results. Already, this endeavour has generated important results. Not least, PEPFAR now publishes a new annual global expenditure report on children and adolescents; and the Global Fund made children and adolescents more visible in its financial and impact monitoring systems. Moreover, the Working Group generated unprecedented dialogue, transparency and collaboration.  

In 2024 we have three new pieces of evidence to share:

  • Firstly, new research we commissioned from Avenir Health into financing in Sub Saharan Africa, globally and in Kenya, Uganda and Cameroon.  See here for a presentation from Avenir’s founder and Vice President John Stover on the key findings.
  • Secondly, a new analysis we conducted with Funders Concerned About AIDS looking at global trends in philanthropy for children and HIV.
  • Thirdly, new research by Coalition Member Lucie Cluver and colleagues into the financial return on investment of different types of interventions with HIV-affected adolescents.

Our aim is to work with key stakeholders to co-create an effective advocacy agenda based on these findings, which we will publish later in the year along with Avenir’s full findings.  We are working with donors, philanthropists, private sector funders, governments, communities, implementors, researchers, policy makers, and technical advisers to determine what precise changes in policy and funding would make the most difference. 

Have your say! We are keen to hear what you think. Come along to our satellite at AIDS 2024 or write to us at 

Our thanks to Avenir Health, the Members of the Working Group on Financing, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, UNAIDS, the Governments of Kenya, Uganda and Cameroon, Funders Concerned About AIDS, Lucie Cluver and her colleagues, and the many community advocates who have shaped this work so far.