Children and HIV: Closing the Gap (Washington, July 2012)
The Children and HIV: Closing the Gap – Ending Vertical Transmission through Community Action Symposium will build on the evidence presented at the three previous children’s symposia. It will examine how a wide range of community based responses can contribute to the successful scale-up of effective PMTCT programmes.
The two-day symposium, jointly hosted by The Teresa Group, The Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS, and The Global Fund for Children, will be held on July 20th and 21st, 2012 at the Georgetown University Hotel and Conference Centre in Washington D.C. It will create a forum for service providers, donors, researchers, advocates and policy leaders working within affected communities to share information, explore data, and build consensus about best practices for children and families.
By holding this symposium we hope to define how community support, family-centered services, and social protection, can enhance the efforts of health care systems to end mother to child transmission of HIV.
Registration is unfortunately now closed.