Submit your abstract for presentation at the international symposium Children and HIV: Equity Now! Reaching all children in the epidemic, to be held at the Southern Sun Elangeni &Maharani hotel… Read More


Children & HIV : Equity Now – Reaching All Children in the Epidemic At this nexus, the equity needs for children affected by HIV are heightened. Children and adolescents are… Read More

Time to Step Up

PRESS RELEASE: Meeting Needs of Children, Adolescents and Families Critical to Defeating AIDS in Eastern & Southern Africa New Call to Action Outlines Action Steps Needed to Prioritize Children Affected by… Read More

Ethical Decision-Making

“Difficult Decisions” is an ethical decision-making tool and guidance for care workers.  Available at in English, French, Spanish and Russian, it is accompanied by orientation slides and a handy… Read More

Time to Step Up

Ending the HIV pandemic is possible, but to do so, we must act quickly and recognize that the needs of children—the most vulnerable among us and unable to advocate on… Read More