Biennial Symposium & Other Resources


COVID-19 Policy Briefing: Prioritising Children, Adolescents and Caregivers Affected by HIV in the COVID-19 response

COVID-19 is having catastrophic and lasting consequences for millions of children, adolescents and caregivers affected by HIV and AIDS. The stigma, co-morbidities and socio-economic vulnerabilities associated with HIV and AIDS, leave them especially vulnerable to the new pandemic and its impacts. Lock downs have curtailed livelihoods and the support they rely on in order to survive and thrive. We have published a new Policy Briefing calling for action now to prevent those already made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS from being further impacted; and so as not lose precious gains made against HIV. Read the COVID-19 Policy Briefing now.

Children and HIV: Equity Now! Reaching All Children in the Epidemic

Presentations from the Coalition’s 6th Biennial Symposium – which took place in the days leading up to AIDS 2016 in Durban South Africa – are available here.


Start Early, Start Now! – Integrated Interventions for Young Children Born into HIV-affected Families

In advance of the AIDS Conference in Melbourne, Australia in 2014, the Coalition hosted a Symposium on “Early intervention – evidence and entry points.” Presentations can be found here.

Children and HIV: Closing the Gap – Ending vertical transmission through community action

In advance of AIDS 2012, the Coalition hosted a two day meeting focused on ending vertical transmission through community action. All presentations from these meetings are available here.

Children and HIV: Family Support First

In advance of the AIDS Conference in Vienna in 2010, the Coalition hosted a Symposium on “Children dnd HIV: Family Support First. Click here for presentations.

Progress Report for Children Affected by HIV/AIDS

The Progress Report for Children Affected by HIV/AIDS was developed by UNICEF in response to the recommendations of the 2004 Global Partners Forum on Orphans and Vulnerable Children and the Inter-Agency Task Team on Children Affected by HIV/AIDS. The 2009 Progress Report for Children Affected by HIV/AIDS is the second publication in the periodic series, and builds on the first report, which was published in 2006.

Children and HIV/AIDS: Action Now, Action How (Mexico City, July 2008)

In advance of the AIDS Conference in Mexico City in 2008, the Coalition hosted a Symposium titled “Children and HIV/AIDS: Action Now, Action How.” Presentations from this meeting are available here.

Palliative Care at Home for Young Children in Africa – Training & Support Materials

The Coalition, in collaboration with partners, developed a comprehensive training and support package to help train community workers who are in a position to support families to care for very sick young children at home. It is also designed to support families in looking after a very sick child. The full suite of materials are available here.